Friday 26 February 2010

Photo's - John and Julie's Visit

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I am changing the way I distribute photos ... through my new blog.  It gives me more flexibility and ability to commentate.  I'll also create a page with links to past photos shoots (will take a bit of time to build).  This will enable all to see our past travels ....

John and Julie Shanafelt visited us last fall.  We first met them while in Evanston, Wyoming back in 1984. We had them over one evening for fajitas (pronounced FA-HEE-TAs).  However, they were from Iowa/California so their pronunciation was a bit mixed up ... FA-JEE-TAs ... they will forever be known that way between us.  During dinner, Lauri and I extolled the virtues of God's country - Texas to which they practically threw up, declaring they would never life there.  Life is a bit funny ... a few months later they transferred west, back to California.  We then transferred 100 miles deeper into Wyoming - Rock Springs.  After 3 years, we finally transferred to California, only to have them transfer to ... you know it .... Houston, TX.  They have seen the errors of their ways as they've been there for almost 20 years!!!!

Back to the pictures .... We first took them to Stonehaven and walked the 2.5 mile trail to Dunnottar Castle.  The next day, we drug them up Bennachie (Aberdeen's hill of 1700 ft).  We took a short drive to Dufftown to tour the Glenfiddich Distillery.  It was our good fortune that several pipe bands were marching up and down the high street.  Nothing beats the sound of highland piper band!  Not trip the NE of Scotland is complete without stopping in St. Andrews.  We finished the last day with a visit to Slains Castle where Bram Stoker received his inspiration for Dracula.

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