Tuesday 30 March 2010

Time Expired Promises by President Obama

This is a long post documenting 33 promises/statements that Obama has made, then reversed himself.

Friday 26 March 2010

Focus Environment

Last night, Lauri and I attended the Fraserburgh Lighthouse Museum exhibition of Chevron's Focus Environment Photography Contest.  It was a delightful evening as we met locals from the area.  In particular, Isabel and Albert befriended us and told us of their lives as fisherman/fisher-wife.  As a lad, Albert started his "sea" career at 15 as a cook.  He progressed through the years to captain and later harbor master.  They talked about their fishing village of GARDENSTOWN and life there.  We are so intrigued that we will visit Gardendstown, Covie, Rosehearty, Pennan etc along the upper NE coast tomorrow, weather permitting.  Watch this space for pictures of these small fishing villages ...

More on Focus Environment .... Chevron sponsors a photography contest for secondary students that celebrates Scotland's beauty and her young talent.  The are two age groups - 11-14 and 15-18.  There are then 3 categories - a) Nature's Moods, b) Wildlife and Habitats, and c) My Environment.  I was fortunate enough to judge this fall.  Over 1000 photos were submitted.  Some of the pictures were of true professional quality!  This is the 16th year of the contest.  The winning pictures are then displayed as a traveling exhibit in nine locations.  Fraserburgh is always the first location and the only one with a reception for the locals.  I understand that it is the highlight of the year for them. 

"Spring Break" Photos


It's been a few weeks since my last post.  I was in San Ramon, CA for a few meetings and then off to Texas to visit my girls and family.

I've taken a few pictures of Monterey Bay.  This has always been a favorite get-away spot of ours for a weekend.  Howard and Deb, friends from Aberdeen now in Fresno, joined us for a couple days of relaxation.  We walked from the "tourist pier" to Lover's Point and back.  Then it was off to Highway 1 down to Big Sur.  Big Sur is a sparsely populated region of the central California coast where the Santa Lucia Mountains rise abruptly from the Pacific Ocean. The name "Big Sur" is derived from the original Spanish-language "el sur grande", meaning "the big south", or from "el paĆ­s grande del sur", "the big country of the south". The terrain offers stunning views, making Big Sur a popular tourist destination. Big Sur's Cone Peak is the highest coastal mountain in the contiguous 48 states, ascending nearly a mile (5,155 feet/1571 m) above sea level, only three miles (4.8 km) from the ocean. 

After a couple of relaxing days, it was back to work in San Ramon.  We flew to Austin on Friday to meet up with Rachel and Becka.  We ventured to Horsebay in the Hill Country of Texas near Marble Falls (the falls are now covered by water due to a dam upstream).  We needed a hiking fix so we drove 40 miles to Enchanted Rock.  Enchanted Rock is a spectacular granite pluton just west of State Highway 965 near the Gillespie-Llano county line in southern Llano County. The granite dome rises some 385 feet above the streambed of nearby Sandy Creek to a maximum elevation of 1,825 feet above mean sea level. This great monadnock is the largest pink granite monadnick in the United States. The name Enchanted Rock derives from Spanish and Anglo-Texas interpretations of Indian legends and related folklore, which attribute magical and spiritual properties to the ancient landmark. According to one nineteenth-century writer, "the Indians had a great awe amounting almost to a reverence" for the rock.

After Austin, we headed to Richardson to visit my folks, then over to Berryville on Lake Palestine, 25 miles south of Tyler.  We rented a lakehouse where Meg and Lauri's dad visited.  We enjoyed the sun, heat (by Scotland's standards at 75F/23C), and down time.  Alas, vacations all come to and end and we headed to Houston to catch a plane as a cold front approached bringing SLEET and SNOW!

Thursday 4 March 2010

Joseph - the largely silent, desperate years he endured

Staying Faithful When Things Get Worse

Genesis chapters 37-41 only tell the low and high points of Joseph’s Egyptian slavery and imprisonment. But he spent at least 12 years there before he suddenly became Prime Minister. And during that terribly lonely, desolate time, things seemed to go from bad to worse.

Fish Outa Water Flop'n Around .... or .... Every Position He Takes Has an Expiration Date

Ann Althouse chronicles Obama's previous pledges not use the nuclear option     If you want to see and hear it for yourselves, then go to Breitbart TV 

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Garbage Slinger or Brick Layer? Ephesians 4:29

Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear. NASB

One of my favorite pastors - Bob Deffinbaugh loves creative titles so I am inspired to hook your curiosity ....

Words are powerful.  They have the ability to positively, or negatively shape our lives.  I can recall at age 13 playing a baseball game.  I was pitching rather poorly one day.  It was 2 outs, bottom of the 6th, bases loaded, and we were one run up.  I just threw 3 straight balls.  My coach, Jerry Jones, called time out and leisurely strode to the mound.  Here it comes, I thought to myself, a royal chewing out or he was going to yank me off the mound.  Instead, he simply said, "Suck up your gut and throw strikes."  He calmly walked back to the dugout.  That has been of great encouragement to me and a great lesson on how to handle adversity.  His message was simple .... 1. can't change the past 2. focus on the future and what you can control and 3. I have confidence in you.  Alternatively, I remember sitting on the school bus and a girl next to me shouted, "ooooo, you have dirty ears!"  To this day, I ALWAYS use a q-tip in the morning to clean my ears.

Monday 1 March 2010

Democrats will impose Obamacare no matter the cost

By: Hugh Hewitt
Examiner Columnist
March 1, 2010

President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are embarked on a radical plan to fundamentally change American health care.
The operative term is "radical," and the media should use that term in order to accurately convey the nature not just of the scope of the changes being pushed, or of the level of Medicare cuts on which those changes are premised, but also to accurately describe the process by which the radical Democrats propose to impose their vision ...........