Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Guess which States are paying for the near bankrupt States ...

Something for Nothing: State Debt and the 2008 Presidential Vote

"According to Moody’s, the average state per capita debt of the 28 Obama states is $1,728 while the average debt in the 22 McCain states is less than half, at $749. This information alone says a lot about voters and their attitude towards government and debt. Voters with a propensity to elect politicians who burden future generations who can’t yet vote with huge debts voted for Obama while fiscally responsible voters generally voted for McCain."

Doesn't quite seem fair that some States take the pain to more or less balance their budgets while others spend away and expect those same States to bail them out!!!  Let me put it another way ... should Texans bail out Californians who pay out rageous retirements to government workers and manage to build a school in Los Angeles for over $500 MILLION (read HERE for that story of spending nonsense).

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