Sunday 20 February 2011

Wisconsin Updates HERMAN CAIN VIDEO ADDED : The Other McCain

Good compilation of articles and interesting quotes ... to sum up the issues ...

"Walker has called on 14 Democratic state senators, who fled the state rather than allow a quorum permitting a vote on the bill, to return to Madison.
Bill opponents say they won’t allow a vote unless Walker negotiates on the plan to eliminate collective bargaining rights for everything but wages. The legislation also would require most employees to pay more for their pensions and health insurance benefits.

“I have been informed that all state and local public employees — including teachers — have agreed to the financial aspects of Gov. Walker’s request,” said Sen. Jon Erpenbach, a Democrat. . . .
Walker, who says the state is “broke,” is asking legislators to pass his Budget Repair Bill to combat a $137 million shortfall through June 30. An upcoming two-year budget for 2011-13 must address a pending $3.6 billion deficit, he said.
The governor’s press secretary, Cullen Werwie, released a statement Saturday calling on Erpenbach, Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller and other Democrats to return from Illinois.

“These are many of the same senators who, two years ago, rammed through a billion dollar tax hike in 24 hours with no public input,”
the statement said. “The quickest way to resolve the current situation is for the Democratic senators to stop shirking their responsibilities and debate the bill in Madison.”
Opponents say the proposed legislation is an attack on workers’ rights."

Wisconsin Updates HERMAN CAIN VIDEO ADDED : The Other McCain

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