Monday 21 November 2011

Camryn Arrives!

I'm a new grandfather! Camryn was born at 10:12 am, 8 lbs 1.5 oz, and 21 inches long. Rachel and Chase went to the hospital last night at 5 pm. Contractions began about 6:30 pm last night, but really got going about 5 am this morning. Once her water broke, it was a race ... would Camryn arrive before the doctor? Doctor was 12 minutes early. Anyway, Camryn is heathly and Rachel is doing fine.

I have not cleaned these photos up ... just wanted to share the moments quickly!


  1. Great pictures Gramps! Thanks for letting us share in your prescious time.

  2. So fun to see all the precious moments! Enjoy your time with her, cherish the moments. Every day is special!! Nothing like being grandparents!
    John and Julie

  3. Fabulous pictures, Robin!! Great to see the Heller family, too! Congratulations, Rachel and Chase and blessings upon you and Camryn as you grow together as a family!!!!!
