Sunday 20 May 2012

And so it begins …

The KZ government passed a number of new regulations last fall all in the name of controlling extremist, fundamentalist organizations (yet still makes claims of religious freedom).  Among them …

  • every religious organization must re-register by October 2012
  • a “city” organization must have 50 KZ citizens as its members
  • a “region” organization must have 1000 KZ citizens as its members
  • a “national” organization must have 5000 …
  • all teaching material must be submitted for approval
  • all meeting sites must be approved by the government
  • meetings must be lead by KZ citizens

In March, the hotel which we were meeting cancelled our lease and we were forced to move to another building.  Fortunately, the leadership of that building was kind enough to let us meet on Saturday evenings.  About the same time, our p*st*r was told that his religious visa would not be renewed and so he and his wife left for another country.  Our associate p*st*r has been unable to obtain a year visa and is forced out of country each month to receive another one month visa.  He and his wife will now return to their home country as a result of that and on-going stress.  Our ch*rch does not have the 50  required.  We have over a hundred expats as members, but not near enough KZ citizens. Based on legal advice, we voted to dissolve our ch*rch and dispose of the assets.  The lawyer said that Almaty has 1500 such organizations – there is NO way the local government will be able to review all the applications in time to meet the October deadline.  So, what now?  G*d is gracious and provides alternatives.  He reminds us that the ch*rch is not the building or the legal entity.  It is the people who believe in a risen Savior, who are banded together to worship and serve Him.  Our group will continue thanks to the kindness of our buildings current owner!

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